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Myofunctional Therapy Near Me: How it Transformed My Life Personally and Professionally!

Updated: Jan 11

Welcome to my world: Learn about me and My MYO Mind.

Myofunctional Therapy Near Me: Have you Googled it?

Owner of Myofunctional Pathways
Becca Rose, Myofunctional Therapist

I have been in the dental office world, in some capacity, since 2004. Some of my previous roles included working as a Dental Assistant, Dental Claims Processor, Oral Surgery Assistant and Registered Dental Hygienist. Although I do not work clinically as a Dental Hygienist any longer, I maintain my license and strive to keep up to with modern advances within the dental field and the myofunctional therapy field.

When I first heard about Myofunctional Therapy, my jaw dropped (literally and figuratively). I finally made the connection about symptoms I had and how they connected to the mouth, tongue, nose. To say I was excited was an understatement! There was finally an answer to help explain things that nothing else ever helped with.

If you knew me as a kid, you knew me as the girl who was constantly sneezing, blowing her nose and sniffing like crazy. I have horrible seasonal allergies. Skin allergy test reveal that I

Young woman who can't sleep
wide awake

As I grew older, the sleep issues intensified and I began to snore. My husband urged me multiple times to see the doctor because he felt like I was having difficulty breathing at night. At age 28, I had 2 hospital sleep studies and was diagnosed with sleep apnea. LET ME SAY THAT AGAIN...age 28! Once I learned about Myofunctional Therapy, my life completely changed! If you'd peek into my life now, you'd find someone who is able to control her allergies and someone who gets quality, deep and restorative sleep EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT. I even have a tracking ring to prove it!

Myofunctional Therapy Changed My Life:

Let's Summarize My MYO life:

  • I have been a chronic allergy sufferer: Myofunctional Therapy changed my life

  • Before learning about Myofunctional Therapy, I had sinus surgery and reduction of nasal turbinates

  • Sleep disturbances since childhood

  • Tonsils were removed as an adult (this was horrific, by the way!)

  • Diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and prescribed a CPAP machine

  • Poor Breathing due to allergies and allergy induced asthma

Myofunctional Therapy opened my world to a feeling of health and well-being I never experienced! I have a particular interest in helping those who snore, can't sleep and have sleep apnea with a CPAP machine.

Additionally, I have a young child who is a mouth breather, had a very high and narrow palate and will be starting expansion and in the future, will have a tongue tie release. These are many of the reasons parents seek Myofunctional Therapy for their child(ren). Long story short - I completely understand and empathize with your symptoms and how it impacts the quality of your life. It is always helpful to you when the person you choose to work with can relate to what you are experiencing!

tired woman

So what happens next?

Often, there are many questions that a client has regarding what to expect and how a Myofunctional Therapy works. Check out our "Getting Started Guide," to help answer many of the questions you may have.

Ready to talk about YOUR symptoms?

After you check out our "Getting Started Guide," and you're ready to talk, let's schedule a discovery call or virtual discovery call to deep dive into your concerns and how Myofunctional Therapy can help.

How do I find a Myofunctional Therapy Program near me?

Hmmmm, well. You already know the answer to this but, Google it anyway! If you are looking for someone to see in person, you'll likely find some options in your area. If you're looking to have more flexibility and prefer a virtual option, your options are literally limitless! Since location is no longer a determining factor, you can contact any myofunctional therapy practice that meets your expectations.

A friendly word of advice: regardless of where you go or who you see, in any industry, always ask about the training and experience they have. Read Google reviews and check out social media. This will help you to gain insight and confidence in whoever you choose to work with

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