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Facial Issues

Jaw pain, misalignment, and general discomfort are NOT normal. Even thought it's "always been that way," you CAN change today!

TMJ Grinding teeth

Facial Signs and Symptoms

  • Tight jaw muscles

  • Jaw discomfort

  • Frequent headaches

  • Clenching or grinding

  • Sensitive teeth


A dentist or doctor should access your symptoms and develop a course of treatment. Some treatment options you may be presented with include but not limited to, temporary devices such as a night guard, OTC guard, a chin strap, Botox, and massage. In our experience, combining muscular oral therapy with the prescribed medical or dental recommendations, significantly improves the long-term stability. In some cases, long term consequences such as needing gum grafts for recession chronic pain, arthritis in the joints, root canals & crowns, or broken teeth. 


Talk to your dentist to see if myofunctional therapy may be the key to long term healing of facial issues. 

Tongue Tie and Dental Concerns

Tongue tie is a condition where the thin tissue that connects the tongue to the floor of the mouth is too short or tight. This can cause crooked teeth when can then lead to gum disease and other dental issues. Click here to read more about tongue tie. 

 Myofunctional Pathways, LLC
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